Ini pendapat AS
Jumat, 01/05/2009 11:26 WIB
Washington - Amerika Serikat (AS) menempatkan Indonesia dalam daftar hitam pelanggar Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HaKI). Bersama Kanada dan Algeria, Indonesia pun gabung dengan negara seperti Rusia dan China yang telah lama dikategorikan sebagai pembajak HaKI kelas berat.
Adalah lembaga US Trade Representative (USTR) yang merilis laporan tersebut dalam tajuk 'Special 301'. Indonesia pun bakal terus diawasi pemerintah negeri Paman Sam karena masuk kategori 'Priority Watch List'. Padahal, sebelumnya Indonesia baru masuk ke kategori 'Watch List'.
Mengenai Indonesia, laporan itu intinya memaparkan bahwa 'hanya ada sedikit kemajuan dalam perlindungan HaKI dan pelaksanaaan Undang-undang sejak tahun 2006'. Padalah dikatakan, negara-negara di Asia Tenggara lainnya sudah membuat langkah yang menjanjikan.
"Pemerintah sepertinya melangkah mundur dari beberapa kemajuan yang telah dibuat sebelumnya," demikian tertera dalam laporan tersebut seperti dilansir AFP dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (1/5/2009).
Total sebanyak 77 negara partner perdagangan AS di-review dalam l
Washington - Amerika Serikat (AS) menempatkan Indonesia dalam daftar hitam pelanggar Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HaKI). Bersama Kanada dan Algeria, Indonesia pun gabung dengan negara seperti Rusia dan China yang telah lama dikategorikan sebagai pembajak HaKI kelas berat.
Adalah lembaga US Trade Representative (USTR) yang merilis laporan tersebut dalam tajuk 'Special 301'. Indonesia pun bakal terus diawasi pemerintah negeri Paman Sam karena masuk kategori 'Priority Watch List'. Padahal, sebelumnya Indonesia baru masuk ke kategori 'Watch List'.
Mengenai Indonesia, laporan itu intinya memaparkan bahwa 'hanya ada sedikit kemajuan dalam perlindungan HaKI dan pelaksanaaan Undang-undang sejak tahun 2006'. Padalah dikatakan, negara-negara di Asia Tenggara lainnya sudah membuat langkah yang menjanjikan.
"Pemerintah sepertinya melangkah mundur dari beberapa kemajuan yang telah dibuat sebelumnya," demikian tertera dalam laporan tersebut seperti dilansir AFP dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (1/5/2009).
Total sebanyak 77 negara partner perdagangan AS di-review dalam l
aporan terbaru untuk tahun 2009 tersebut. Mereka dimasukkan
dalam beberapa kategori yakni Priority Watch List, Watch List atau Monitoring
Negara yang masuk dalam Priority Watch List seperti Indonesia dikatakan tidak menyediakan perlindungan HaKI yang layak ataupun akses pasar bagi mereka yang mengandalkan HaKI.
Selain Indonesia, Algeria, Kanada, China dan Rusia, negara-negara lain yang tahun ini masuk dalam kategori Priority Watch List adalah Argentina, Chile, India, Israel, Pakistan, Thailand dan juga Venezuela.
Pihak Amerika Serikat pun akan melakukan berbagai diskusi bilateral untuk memperbincangkan masalah ini dengan negara-negara tersebut.
Negara yang masuk dalam Priority Watch List seperti Indonesia dikatakan tidak menyediakan perlindungan HaKI yang layak ataupun akses pasar bagi mereka yang mengandalkan HaKI.
Selain Indonesia, Algeria, Kanada, China dan Rusia, negara-negara lain yang tahun ini masuk dalam kategori Priority Watch List adalah Argentina, Chile, India, Israel, Pakistan, Thailand dan juga Venezuela.
Pihak Amerika Serikat pun akan melakukan berbagai diskusi bilateral untuk memperbincangkan masalah ini dengan negara-negara tersebut.
Dan ini sedikit quote dari perwakilan dan juru bicara BSA di Indonesia mengenai dampaknya yang akan merugikan kita sendiri :
"Saat ini Indonesia masuk ke dalam Priority Watched List, sebagai balasan dari tingginya tingkat pembajakan di Indonesia. Barang-barang yang berasal dari Indonesia atau negara lain yang masuk dalam Priority Watched List, akan dikenai biaya masuk yang besar,"
Tentu saja yang akan kena dampaknya tidak hanya barang yang akan KELUAR dari Indonesia tapi juga barang yang akan MASUK ke Indonesia, ijin buku-buku terjemahan dan komik tentu saja termasuk. Dengan kalimat ini, semoga ada pemahaman temen2 akan dunia manga di Indonesia ini akan semakin bagaimana jika ini terus berlanjut. So comment anyone?
yang ini dari Kuroshitsuji's Mangaka
The mangaka
responsible for Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) has excoriated fans who persist in
expressing their love for her works to her whilst blithely admitting to her
face never actually paying for them, calling them “thieves” and “morally
degraded” whilst exhorting fans to support the works they supposedly love.
Kuroshitsuji creator Yana Toboso is evidently irate at the stream of fan mail she receives which rubs her nose in the fact that paying for the works in question never even enters into the thoughts of the fans in question. So irate is she that she goes on to deliver a fiery sermon to the wicked infidel who steal her works, explaining matters very simply for the hard of thinking:
Kuroshitsuji creator Yana Toboso is evidently irate at the stream of fan mail she receives which rubs her nose in the fact that paying for the works in question never even enters into the thoughts of the fans in question. So irate is she that she goes on to deliver a fiery sermon to the wicked infidel who steal her works, explaining matters very simply for the hard of thinking:
Quote :
I don’t want to preach about illegal copies, but lately
things have been getting a bit much. Perhaps it’s because of the summer
vacation. First up, viewing Kuroshitsuji or its sequel on online movie sites
other than the official ones is illegal (they are legally viewable on NicoNico
Douga though).
And the manga is only legally readable in Japan as the print edition published by Square Enix – downloading it and reading it is illegal as of 2010. I used to get them before, but lately the frequency has really increased – let me give you a sample of the kind of mail I’m talking about:
“I got it off a friend on a ROM and read it :)”
“I found them all on an overseas video sharing site and read them there :)”
“I became a fan of the second season so I watched all them on an overseas site – they were really funny!”
People often write this sort of stuff – these are undoubtedly crimes. It’s the same as shoplifting or walking out of a restaurant without paying. If you illegally download or view them, you’re stealing the rice from the bowls of creators and seiyuu – it’s no joke, we’ll starve and die. it isn’t.
When I think of the moral degradation of these people I shudder.
People who send me these kind of mails are basically saying: “I really love Kuroshitsuji! But I want the people responsible to work for free, starve, and die! I really do shudder. I’m really glad they like it, but people are actually working hard to create the things they find so much fun. Can they not understand that?
It’s not only Kuroshitsuji of course. All the manga and anime people are making is a “product.” Anime characters don’t just move around according to their own will. Together, lots of people have to make a story, the animators have to make thousands of frames, the seiyuu have to add their voices, and together they are making it all exist.
Manga is the same – the writer has to create a story and together with his assistants they make the manga panel by panel.
Everyone has a right to enjoy anime and manga, but we the creators still have to eat to live. Money is necessary to eat. To create the works you so enjoy, in exchange we have to derive our income from viewing fees, DVD sales, manga sales and merchandising – the money we get from this is our wages and how we live.
[... a tale of how little children who can't possibly afford anime DVDs should use video rental services rather than steal follows...]
So, if you have no money, is it OK to watch for free?
The answer is “No.”
In the words of a certain steely fellow, this violates the Law of Equivalent Exchange!
If you keep ignoring this, eventually the anime and manga in question really will stop being made.
Illegal movies and downloads are absolutely no good at all!
And the manga is only legally readable in Japan as the print edition published by Square Enix – downloading it and reading it is illegal as of 2010. I used to get them before, but lately the frequency has really increased – let me give you a sample of the kind of mail I’m talking about:
“I got it off a friend on a ROM and read it :)”
“I found them all on an overseas video sharing site and read them there :)”
“I became a fan of the second season so I watched all them on an overseas site – they were really funny!”
People often write this sort of stuff – these are undoubtedly crimes. It’s the same as shoplifting or walking out of a restaurant without paying. If you illegally download or view them, you’re stealing the rice from the bowls of creators and seiyuu – it’s no joke, we’ll starve and die. it isn’t.
When I think of the moral degradation of these people I shudder.
People who send me these kind of mails are basically saying: “I really love Kuroshitsuji! But I want the people responsible to work for free, starve, and die! I really do shudder. I’m really glad they like it, but people are actually working hard to create the things they find so much fun. Can they not understand that?
It’s not only Kuroshitsuji of course. All the manga and anime people are making is a “product.” Anime characters don’t just move around according to their own will. Together, lots of people have to make a story, the animators have to make thousands of frames, the seiyuu have to add their voices, and together they are making it all exist.
Manga is the same – the writer has to create a story and together with his assistants they make the manga panel by panel.
Everyone has a right to enjoy anime and manga, but we the creators still have to eat to live. Money is necessary to eat. To create the works you so enjoy, in exchange we have to derive our income from viewing fees, DVD sales, manga sales and merchandising – the money we get from this is our wages and how we live.
[... a tale of how little children who can't possibly afford anime DVDs should use video rental services rather than steal follows...]
So, if you have no money, is it OK to watch for free?
The answer is “No.”
In the words of a certain steely fellow, this violates the Law of Equivalent Exchange!
If you keep ignoring this, eventually the anime and manga in question really will stop being made.
Illegal movies and downloads are absolutely no good at all!
Well, kesimpulan kalian apa ?
satu lagi
bagi yang sering membanding-bandingkan volume komik bajakan dan komik ASLI
sudah tau prosedur penerbitan komik?
jika belum tahu, pelajarilah terlebih dahulu untuk memahami seluk-beluknya
jangan hanya MENODONG dengan membandingkan bajakan yang sudah beredar
ingatlah itu semua TANPA IJIN
ibarat fotocopy doang
jika kalian membeli komik bajakan, itu sama dengan membunuh komik ASLI
Dan para Pernerbit Buku akan dipersulit dalam mendapatkan ijin penerbitan komik judul
tertentu atau bahkan
(bisa jadi) tidak mendapatkan ijin sama sekali karena bajakan yang sudah merajalela
pikirkan baik-baik !!
pikirkan baik-baik !!
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